upcoming events

We celebrate this special day by inviting friends and families to church and share the love of God in an atmosphere of togetherness.
A day set aside for the Choir to celebrate and give thanks to God. They take full charge of the service with praise and worship songs.
Our annual 40 days fasting begings. The whole church is encouraged to join in the fast to set ourselves aside and wait on God.
We celebrate with a special service to celebrate Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. It is also a time for the church to remember his suffering before his death and resurrection.
A special day to celebrate all the professionals in the church.
Church to Virginia Beach for a church picnic. Tickets sell out fast so make sure to grab a ticket early to reserve your seat on the bus.
Join us on the Prayerline every moring from 6am to 6:30
for a
Breakfast with Jesus
Sharing your testimony with others is a must for all believers. Testimonies encourage other believers to hold on and keep trusting in God's promises.